
Mission Statement

At Nursery Rhymes the quality of the childcare provided for each individual child is of paramount importance. We aim to provide a happy, safe and stimulating environment, in order for each child to reach their full potential.

Staff at every level will endeavor to be readily available at all times to deal with parents/guardians queries, concerns or anxieties so as to discuss any aspect of their children’s care or well-being.

Aims and Objectives

  • Provide a play-based curriculum that is underpinned by the Early Years Statutory Framework.
  • To provide children with a caring and nurturing environment, which facilitates and promotes their individual development.
  • To support and extend learning and development appropriately and sensitively incorporating each child’s individual interests.
  • Value and appreciate what a child can do and recognise that this will be different for all children.
  • Incorporate positive opportunities for all children through inclusive practice, respecting diversity and ensuring equal access to the provision.
  • To promote good partnerships with parents/guardians, by respecting and valuing their views as the child’s prime carer.
  • To provide a valuable service within the local community, that meets the needs of all the children and the families who use the setting.