
Why Choose Us?

If you are considering a nursery for your child then we at Nursery Rhymes feel we can offer excellent childcare in a beautiful spacious building where children have the opportunity to learn and grow.

Our aim is to be friendly, homely, supportive and most of all fun.

A place your child looks forward to coming to, meet new friends, learn to share, join in games and learn in a positive and stimulating way.

Your child will have opportunities to join in so many activities both within the nursery, playing in the large secure garden or going out on fully supervised trips to the local park, Library and other social activities.

It is a known fact that children begin learning from an early age, children absorb knowledge and develop at a fast pace. It is widely recognised that children can benefit enormously from the social interaction that a nursery education brings.

Children who attend day nurseries – even if only for a few sessions each week – learn to share, to be tolerant and how to behave considerately alongside their peers. There are hidden benefits too. Children who attend nursery become used to eating away from home and trying out a range of foods – so no nasty shocks when they first come face to face with a school dinner!

They may also have a wider appreciation of books and art – the classroom is often a more suitable environment for sloshing around glue and poster paints than your kitchen table and certainly less mess for you to clean up.

Since government introduced Early Years Funding more than a decade ago, more families have been encouraged to send their children to a day nursery prior to starting school.

Early Learning can give children a great start in life. Through learning and playing with other children in a safe and structured environment from an early age, they could have an invaluable head-start when they begin school.

This helps to ensure that they come out of the classroom much more self-confident, considerate and articulate, with well-developed personalities and abilities.

We hope that you find Nursery Rhymes is that special place for your child.